IIF Mission Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

As a global organization, we believe that diversity, equity, and inclusion make us better able to serve our members and the broader global financial community. We understand that having varied perspectives helps generate better ideas to solve the complex problems of our changing world.

All employees of the Institute have a responsibility to treat others with dignity and respect and are expected to exhibit, and will be held accountable for, conduct that reflects our core values of diversity, equity and inclusion. To reinforce these core values, IIF will provide annual training for its staff. We will also continue to review our policies and practices to ensure that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion principles remain at the forefront of IIF’s culture. We will promote these core values in all aspects of our internal operations (our internship program, events, and initiatives with members firms).

About the IIF's DEI Task Force

The IIF's Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) plays a crucial role in fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the organization. Here's a breakdown of its functions and responsibilities:

  1. Diversity Representation: Each member of SAC is a representative of a different department. It includes employees of all levels and demographic backgrounds. 
  2. Insight and feedback: SAC members serve as the committee's point of contact for their respective departments. Their role is to provide valuable insights, feedback, and concerns regarding the well-being of their department. This input helps the Admin team and the SAC in making informed recommendations and planning events.
  3. DEI: The SAC team considers how to incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion principles into all aspects of IIF's activities, including events and training programs, and makes recommendations to management.
  4. Annual DEI Survey: Every year, a DEI survey is given to all employees. The SAC team looks over the survey data to find any trends, changes, or areas that differ from year to year that could raise concerns. Drawing from this data, the team develops recommendations for enhancing DEI activities.

Overall, the SAC is an essential tool for advancing DEI within IIF. By actively involving employees from diverse backgrounds, collecting feedback, and data analysis from the DEI survey, the committee supports continuous improvement and guarantees that DEI is a top priority throughout the whole organization. 

We are supporting diversity in more ways than one:

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We have a non-discriminatory approach to ensure fair treatment in our hiring process. As a global organization, we pride ourself on having diverse multicultural employees.

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We are committed to working together to ensure that IIF staff – at all levels and locations – feel valued, respected, and included. We are committed to working towards overcoming explicit and implicit biases and we believe that building an inclusive culture is essential for all our employees to bring their authentic, whole selves to work and experience a sense of belonging and support. We strive to create an environment where employees are valued, empowered to positively support our members and our mission, and recognized for their individual and team contributions.

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We are committed to attracting, retaining, and developing diverse talent and to respecting and valuing differences arising from race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, religion and beliefs, and other characteristics that make an individual unique.

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We make an effort to give back to local communities in need. At IIF we host several company-wide volunteering events every year that target communities with different socioeconomic backgrounds. We actively encourage and support our employees in engaging with local communities through volunteerism and service projects. Giving back contributes to positive social change, promote understanding and empathy, and build stronger, more inclusive societies.


For questions, please reach out to: [email protected]