The Emerging Markets Advisory Council (EMAC) was established by the IIF Board of Directors in October 2008 to help enhance the voice of emerging markets institutions within the IIF. The Council’s membership, by invitation only, comprises Chief Executive Officers/Chairs of major financial institutions headquartered or located in emerging market countries. The group is co-chaired by Gianfranco Ferrari (CEO, Credicorp, Peru), Abdulaziz Al-Helaissi (Group CEO and Board Member, Gulf International Bank, Bahrain), Khairussaleh Ramli (President and Group Chief Executive Officer, Malayan Banking Berhad, Malaysia), and Cezary Stypulkowski (President and CEO, Bank Pekao, Poland). The Council meets virtually or in person for two formal meetings each year, generally in connection with the IIF Spring and Annual Membership Meetings. EMAC also meets online regularly for “Special EMAC Sessions” on topics of particular interest to its members.