Working Groups and Committees

The Regulatory Affairs, Economic Research, Global Policy Initiatives and Digital Finance departments organize groups of representatives from IIF members to articulate international perspectives on policy priorities, and to interact with corresponding groups in the official sector.

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Note 1: The Board of Directors of the Institute defines overall views on regulatory and related issues, as articulated by the Institute to the G20, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and Financial Stability Board (FSB). 

Note 2: The working groups listed below may be more or less active at any given time depending on what issues are currently most pressing. In addition, ad-hoc groups may be formed from time to time to respond to specific needs. 

Regulatory Affairs Department

Working Group on Market Risk (WGMR)

The WGMR interfaces with the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) to address any issues related to the Basel requirements for market risk, including the presentation of impact data. This working group is also involved in the Joint Trades Counterparty Credit Risk project as well as examining any issues related to the IBOR transition process.

Global Policy Initiatives Committees and Working Groups

Sustainable Finance Working Group (SFWG)  

Chair: Judson Berkey, Managing Director and Group Head of Sustainability Regulatory Strategy, UBS

Bringing together over 200 members representing banks, investors, insurers, professional service firms and multilateral financial institutions, the IIF SFWG seeks to build consensus and advance industry perspectives on the dynamic global sustainable finance agenda, including through regulatory and policy engagement, strategic projects, analytical research and development of tools and resources.  By providing an international forum for public-private sector dialogue and collaboration, the SFWG supports the design and implementation of effective climate and sustainability-related financial sector policy and regulatory frameworks (including on topics such as disclosure, taxonomies, prudential supervision, and financial stability assessment).  A key SFWG objective is to promote capital market solutions that support product innovation and the scaling up of sustainable finance (including by engaging on barriers to and catalysts for the broader mobilization of private finance). The SFWG coordinates with other IIF Working Groups, notably in the Regulatory Affairs Department, to respond to sustainable finance-related global policy and regulatory developments. The SFWG engages regularly with official sector entities including: the global standard setting bodies like the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS); the G20/B20; the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS); the IMF, World Bank/IFC and other multilaterals; and the OECD and other international organizations including the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), as well as national authorities to support international collaboration and reduce fragmentation.

  • Sustainable Finance Policy Expert Group (SFPEG)
    The SFPEG, co-led by the IIF Global Policy Initiatives and Regulatory Affairs Teams, serves as the nexus for industry dialogue on policy and regulatory developments across the climate and ESG sphere, and options to support greater alignment of jurisdictional frameworks and emerging global standards. The SFPEG serves as the platform for development of industry consensus views on policy issues, including IIF responses to consultations, and broader official-sector engagement. The SFPEG is comprised of global policy and regulatory leads within IIF member financial institutions (banks, insurers, asset managers), who are responsible for developing advocacy strategies and managing official-sector engagement on sustainability topics.
  • Sustainable Finance Disclosure, Data, and Classification (SFDDC)
    The SFDDC group, co-led by the IIF Global Policy Initiatives and Regulatory Affairs Teams, provides a platform for dialogue on technical issues, identification of common priorities, and delivery of special projects in the disclosure, data, and classification sphere. Key agenda items for this group include the development of global disclosure standards, use of ESG ratings and data products, evolving disclosure practices (e.g. transition plans), and the design and implementation of classification systems, such as taxonomies.
  • Sustainable Finance Risk and Alignment Methodologies (SFRAM)
    The SFRAM group, co-led by the IIF Global Policy Initiatives and Regulatory Affairs Teams, provides a platform for dialogue on technical issues and tools, identification of emerging practices, and delivery of special projects on risk and alignment topics, with a special focus on climate change. Key agenda items for this group include the design and implementation of risk management frameworks, the design of industry and supervisory scenario analysis exercises, metrics and methodologies for climate risk and alignment quantification, and links between climate risks and the prudential framework.
  • Sustainable Finance Nature Expert Group (SF-NEG)
    The SF-NEG, convened jointly by the IIF Global Policy Initiatives and Regulatory Affairs Teams, serves as the IIF's platform for industry dialogue and collaboration on the nature-related finance agenda. Reflecting the rapidly increasing interest in nature-related risks and opportunities facing financial institutions, the evolving suite of frameworks and tools available to assess dependencies and impacts upon nature, and supervisory and regulatory developments, the SF-NEG is intended to support IIF members as they contend with new strategic considerations and implementation priorities in the nature sphere.

    Drawing upon the IIF's core capacity in facilitating public-private collaboration and dialogue, the core focus of the SF-NEG is to foster the development of common approaches in the areas of risk assessment, data, strategy, and market development, with the aim of promoting the development and implementation of effective and aligned private and public sector frameworks. Near-term priorities for the SF-NEG include industry dialogue and peer learning on risk and impact assessment practices, metrics, scenario development and analytical methodologies, and disclosure approaches, as well as contributing industry perspectives on potential supervisory and regulatory responses.

  • EU Sustainable Finance Working Group (EU-SFWG)
    The EU-SFWG, co-led by the IIF Global Policy Initiatives and Regulatory Affairs Team, serves as a dedicated working group to foster dialogue and develop advocacy positions related to the European Union's (EU) sustainable finance agenda. Specifically, in 2025, the focus of this working group will be to engage from the IIF's international perspective on the evolving discussion on how to make the EU sustainable finance framework more effective and efficient.

Where possible, we encourage firms to coordinate internally on their nominations to SFPEG, SFDDC, SFRAM, SFNEG, and EU-SFWG groups. To keep the group sizes manageable and maintain diversity of representation across the IIF membership, we anticipate having one or two representatives from a given firm within a group.

Digital Finance Groups

Steering Committee on Digital Finance

Carlos Torres-Vila, Chairman, BBVA
Daniel Pinto, President, JPMorgan Chase

This group provides strategic direction to the IIF’s Digital Finance activities, setting and reviewing priorities across digital finances topics. This group enables input from digital and innovation leaders at member firms to appropriately guide the activities of the Digital Finance team, under the auspices of members of the IIF Board of Directors. IIF member firms are welcome to nominate a C-Suite representative to join the Committee. Chief Digital/Innovation/Transformation Officers are the most common ‘peer group’ on the Committee, but some diversity of roles (e.g. Chief Operating Officer, Chief Risk Officer, Business Line CEO, Chief Data Officer) is also welcome, to support an exchange of broader perspectives. This groups meets virtually 2-3 times per year.

Economic Research Groups

Market Monitoring Group (MMG)

Co-Chairs: Isabelle Mateos y Lago, Global Chief Economist, BNP Paribas; Nathan Sheets, Global Chief Economist, Citi

The MMG convenes chief economists and other senior market practitioners from IIF member firms to identify and discuss short- and long-term systemic risks and opportunities, including structural changes in financial markets, the regulatory environment, and global economic gyrations.  It will also monitor emerging vulnerabilities including those related to changes in liquidity provision and the impact of new financial technologies; mispriced assets, crowded trades and concentration risk; deterioration in business practices; fractures in the world economy and global markets; geopolitical risks; and other nascent risks of concern to the financial sector and policymakers. The group explores ways to contain these risks and how to best react to economic shocks. Supported by IIF staff, the MMG holds in-person meetings as well as conference calls and regular briefings.  The MMG interfaces with relevant public sector bodies including the FSB, FSOC, and IMF/WB and produces work product on an ad-hoc and as needed basis.

Other Groups

IIF Future Leaders Group

The IIF Future Leaders Group is comprised of dynamic young leaders representing some of the brightest emerging talent in the industry. Each annual class of Future Leaders meets twice a year, generally around major IIF meetings, for a multi-day program designed to introduce them to the big ideas and topics that will drive the future of the industry. Participation in Future Leaders is open to those 40 or under who have track records of achievement within their institutions and have the potential, in the nominating institutions’ view, to become a leader in global finance. Participation is by invitation only and participants are nominated by a member firm’s senior management.