In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and finance, tokenization has emerged as a disruptive force, revolutionizing the way we perceive and transact with assets, and potentially forming the basis of next-generation financial market infrastructure, where these projects are growing increasingly consequential. The Tokenization Forum brought together leading institutions from the financial, technology, and public sectors to explore the transformative world of tokenization and the far-reaching implications it will have for finance, asset ownership, and value exchange.

This roundtable explored three themes for the trajectory of these developments:
+ Tokenization of Money and New Payment Infrastructure 
+ Tokenization of Financial and Other Real-World Assets and Market Implications
+ Interlinking Ledgers Connecting Tokenized Money and Real-World Assets in a Connected System with New Ledger Technology

If you have any questions, please contact Daniel Mendez Delgado at ([email protected]).