How long can investor bias toward the U.S. persist? Equity valuations have come down-but few markets look cheap EM risk aversion continues to rise, bu
Argentina's Peso and the Turkish Lira have weakened substantially, with increasing concern in markets over potential contagion to other EMs. Non-re
IIF's fifth 'FRT' podcast focuses on digital financial inclusion-extending financial services to underserved individuals and businesses by leveraging
Equities were more resilient with over $7 billion in inflows-of which China was $5.8 billion; in contrast, debt saw
The IIF and GFMA submitted comments to the FSB on their report and consultation on the impact of regulatory reforms on infrastructure financing."¯ The
The August Insurance Update provides targeted updates on IIF insurance activities and events, and highlights relevant IIF publications or related regu
If you would like to receive the Sticky Notes email, please send us an email' here ' with your information. This week: Kristen Silverberg looks at t
The IIF' currently in the midst of a series of publications, across each of' Data Sharing, Cloud & Machine Learning. Episode 4 of FRT provides an over
The Lira has fallen 30 percent in real terms in recent years, after trend depreciating in real terms for many years prior to that. We screen EM for
On August 20, the IIF, along with BPI and GFMA, submitted comments to the FSB on its consultation on the technical implementation of the FSB's standar
On August 23, the IIF, along with AFME and IIAC, submitted comments to the FATF on their proposed guidance for the securities sector. The letter suppo
If you would like to receive the Sticky Notes email, please send us an email' here ' with your information. This week: Scott Farnham provides an upd
The impact on gasoline prices of selling 11 or even 30 million barrels of oil from SPR is negligible. Moving forward the planned sale of 288 million b