Mounting trade tensions reflect past and present currency manipulation. We document the "fear of floating" that exists in countries across EM Asia, ..
Given the more challenging landscape, with a stronger USD and rising U.S. rates, we have cut our forecasts for non-resident portfolio flows to emergin
Demonetization and GST were quasi-natural experiments, with profound and long-lasting impacts on the economy. This meant India missed the synchronized global recovery, but a rebound is underway from low initial conditions. Broad money has not recovered fully from demonetization, but credit growth and capital flows will support investment. Easing appreciation pressure will be positive for exports, even though structural competitiveness issues remain.
Chinese banks' cross-border lending has grown over 500% since 2010-but has plenty of room to grow further: at just 5% of GDP, cross-border loan exposu
This IIF staff paper "ddressing regulatory fragmentation to support a cyber-resilient global financial services industry" evaluates the regulatory app
We have been focused on rising risk to emerging markets, especially where idiosyncratic factors point to vulnerabilities . Official intervention ca
The Institute of International Finance ("IIF")1 welcomes the Treasury's continued efforts in support of Executive Order 13772 on Core Principles for R
Argentina's fiscal position worsened under the Kirchner administration. The current government is committed to redressing the situation, and is imp
The April Insurance Update provides targeted updates on IIF insurance activities and events, and highlights relevant IIF publications or related regul