Our model suggests that a USD10 pb oil price increase boosts the current account by USD15 billion.' The current level of oil prices, if maintained, wo
Sizable government credit guarantees boosted output growth this year. With the credit impulse weakening, output growth will likely slow down to 4% or
China and Saudi Arabia are key members of the so-called "Dollar block." Both have in recent years experienced large declines in official reserves. In
We expect China's CPI to be slightly higher, yet still contained in 2018, "¦ "¦ thanks to limited pass-through from PPI and slower growth of the money
Increasing share of non-residents makes the sovereign bond market more sensitive to investors' sentiment. A lower yield curve and abundant domestic li
Despite enormous effort and investments from the financial and public sectors to detect and counter money laundering, illicit flows in the financial s
Red states are falling behind blue states in the jobs boom. But the divide between red and blue states goes deeper than just job creation. We develop
NAFTA gave a big push to trade and financial integration, favorably affecting Mexico Uncertainty over a possible reversal could weigh on growth, leadi
Phillips curve estimation suggests that supply-side effects explained the core inflation decline. A stronger ruble contributed to lower inflation and
The government has taken advantage of increased political capital to push for needed structural changes Relying on a gradual policy approach, producti