We examine how market pricing for key central banks has moved over the past year and update our forecast for the G-3 central banks. We continue to exp
This GMV revisits some of the themes from our April Global Economic Monitor examining global growth. The upswing in business sentiment since the sta
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We look at where export volumes out- or underperformed relative to fluctuations in the real exchange rate, controlling also for changes in global grow
Despite political woes, the reform drive regained force, improving macro prospects amid global tailwinds A sizable fiscal deficit remains the major ma
We expect an uptick in inflation in coming months, due to a normalization of the price path for specific PCE elements. The drivers behind this process
Long-awaited economic strategy plan limits its focus to the fiscal agenda. Kudrin argues that Russia must increase "productive" spending and limit the
We have shown that large movements in a handful of categories have thrown off inflation readings in the US and the Euro zone. We look for similar dist
Markets hunt down divergence trades Equity flows chase growth standouts Softer USD-lift for corporate earnings? U.S. debt ceiling-kicking the crisis d
We look more closely at the recent pick up in core inflation, and find that much of it can be explained by just three sectors, all related to tourism.