Andrés Portilla is the Managing Director of Regulatory Affairs at the IIF. He is in charge of leading the activities of the Regulatory Affairs department, which covers the whole spectrum of regulatory policy issues of interest to internationally-active financial institutions. His work covers topics related to prudential standards (both on capital and liquidity) for banks and insurance companies, systemic risk, cross-border resolution, financial infrastructure, international accounting, securities as well as regulatory policy issues in the context of emerging markets. The Department also spearheads the dialogue and interaction with international regulators and policy makers in the above areas.
Mr. Portilla has over 21 years of experience on financial regulatory issues. In his native country, Colombia, he occupied positions in the regulatory affairs departments at the national Banking Association as well as commercial financial institutions. He also practiced law in the area of banking and financial markets.
Mr. Portilla holds a JD and a Specialized Degree on Banking Law from University of Rosario in Colombia, a Masters in Comparative Law LL.M from Pennsylvania State University in the US and a MBA from Bocconi University in Italy.