The IIF is the leading voice for the financial services industry on global regulatory issues. We engage continuously and constructively with global standard setters and policymakers through formal submissions and reports, as well as through regular dialogue and high-level symposia.
We help shape the global policy and regulatory agenda by providing industry input and feedback on critical issues such as sustainable finance, international capital and liquidity standards for banks and insurers, combating financial crime, supervision and risk management, and accounting standards, among many others.
The IIF organizes groups of representatives from members to articulate international perspectives on regulatory and supervisory issues, and to interact with corresponding groups in the official sector.
More than nine in ten (91%) of surveyed bank chief risk officers (CROs) view climate change as the top emerging risk over the next five years. Only about half (52%) of CROs said the same in 2019.
The IIF submitted a response to the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board invitation to comment on the topic of Proposed Changes to the SASB Asset Management & Custody Activities Standard on June 15.
The IIF submitted a comment letter in response to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) call for public input on climate change disclosures.
This IIF paper sets out to explain the current approach to cyber incident reporting across key jurisdictions and the ways in which it can be improved.
Leroy Terrelonge, AVP-Cyber Risk Analyst, and Lesley Ritter, VP-Senior Analyst, of Moody’s Investors Service, join Martin Boer of the Institute of International Finance (IIF) to discuss the cyber security outlook for the financial sector.
The IIF submitted a comment letter to the European Banking Authority’s (EBA) Consultation Paper on Draft Implementing Standards on prudential disclosures on ESG risks in accordance with Article 449a CRR.
The May 2021 edition of the Insurance Update provides targeted updates on IIF insurance activities and events.
Jason Harrell, Head of External Engagement at The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) in New York, joins Martin Boer of the Institute of International Finance (IIF) to discuss Financial System Resilience.
A new report from the Institute of International Finance, the Financial Services Forum and the International Swaps and Derivatives Association examines several important issues related to the functioning of the financial markets – in particular, large global banks and dealers – during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Could a Chinese CBDC displace the dollar as the global reserve currency, undermine the U.S. sanctions regime or provide the Chinese government with the ability to increase surveillance on citizens?