The IIF is the leading voice for the financial services industry on global regulatory issues. We engage continuously and constructively with global standard setters and policymakers through formal submissions and reports, as well as through regular dialogue and high-level symposia.
We help shape the global policy and regulatory agenda by providing industry input and feedback on critical issues such as sustainable finance, international capital and liquidity standards for banks and insurers, combating financial crime, supervision and risk management, and accounting standards, among many others.
The IIF organizes groups of representatives from members to articulate international perspectives on regulatory and supervisory issues, and to interact with corresponding groups in the official sector.
The final revised Basel III Market Risk standard was published on January 14th in the new ‘modular’ format. We have arranged for a comparison document/tool which provides a comparison between the standards and an overview of the differences between the text of the 2019 and 2016 market risk rules.
The IIF, our members and other associations developed an industry response to the BCBS consultation paper (CP) on “Leverage ratio treatment of client cleared derivatives.”
The joint associations industry have published a comment letter on the FSB Discussion Paper: “Financial resources to support CCP equity in resolution”.
The January 2019 Insurance Update provides targeted updates on IIF insurance activities and events, and highlights relevant IIF publications or related regulatory developments in other fields.
The IIF has submitted the response letter to the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) Consultation Paper - Enhancing banks’ and insurers’ approaches to managing the financial risks from climate change.
On January 25, 2019 the IIF submitted its response to the IAIS public consultation on the Holistic Framework for Systemic Risk in the Insurance Sector.
This IIF Report “Addressing Market Fragmentation: The Need for Enhanced Global Regulatory Cooperation”, developed by the Special Committee on Effective Regulation (SCER), seeks to define the problem of market fragmentation.
The January 2019 IIF Global Regulatory Update provides updates on current work streams in market fragmentation, regulatory capital, recovery and resolution, accounting, digital finance, sustainable finance, AML/CFT, insurance, and upcoming events.
The Basel Committee on Bank Supervision finalised the Basel III Market Risk standard on January 14, 2019.
On January 7, 2019, the IIF Senior Accounting Group (SAG) submitted to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) its comments on the Discussion Paper on Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity.