
IIF insurance-related advocacy and analytical activities have substantially expanded in the light of increased relevance of insurance regulation and related risk management issues. The IIF’s involvement in insurance aims to promote an efficient and effective regulatory and supervisory framework for re/insurance (addressing the characteristics of the sector), to enhance the understanding of macro-economic implications of the current regulatory reforms, to promote sound practices in risk management as well as to emphasize the social and economic value of the sector.  The IIF advocates for a robust, risk-based and proportionate (re)insurance regulatory and supervisory framework. Key areas of focus include (1) group supervision, including the finalization of the global Insurance Capital Standard (ICS), (2) systemic risk, (3) insurance recovery and resolution, (4) climate-related risks and (5) governance, market conduct and risk management. (Re)insurance members of the IIF are encouraged to nominate members of the Insurance Regulatory Committee (IRC) and Insurance Working Group (IWG), as well as members of IIF cross-sectoral committees and working groups, including the Sustainable Finance Working Group and the Cyber Risk and Operational Resilience Working Groups. The IIF has an active insurance events calendar.

Please see here for more information on the IIF's insurance working groups, or email the Membership Department at [email protected] for additional information.

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