IIF Authors

Status: Will be live at 10/29/2024 15:34

IIF Response to IAIS on public disclosure and reporting of climate risk

On October 28, the IIF submitted its response to the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) Draft Application Paper on public disclosure and supervisory reporting of climate risk. Throughout the letter, the IIF emphasizes the need to differentiate between public disclosure and supervisory reporting requirements. In its response, the IIF recommends that the IAIS focus on supporting rather than duplicating the work of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), which has the primary mandate for developing global sustainability disclosure standards. Rather than add detailed prescriptive requirements, the IAIS should instead share insurance-specific perspectives with ISSB and help articulate key differences between insurance and banking sectors. The IIF suggests that the IAIS can best add value by focusing on high-level principles for supervisory reporting frameworks and coordinating with existing standard-setters rather than creating additional layers of detailed requirements.